Poetical Works of Me

Archive for November 2011

The clocks tick away the seconds to the final train departing,
The last seat is waiting to be filled by a you shaped man.
All eyes are on you and therefore on me and we find it startling,
So I am untangling my heart from yours as quickly as I can.

The first ribbon comes undone and we smile for the first kiss,
The second echoes the laughter we always shared together,
The third ribbon is For the opportunities we would never dare miss,
The fourth is as yellow as the sunshine you brought me in all weather.

Slowly and carefully, tens of ribbons come away with beauty and grace,
The colours and memories bring wonder to my eyes.
I take one final picturesque look at your sweet, perfect face,
And then look up to see two kites sailing into a blue sky.

I watch you disappear through the veil of night,
So I stalk you to find what it is that makes you so right.
The darkness shows Grace illuminating you with her candle,
And Patience helping you to understand all,
Like the day you understood why I shed tears for the thief,
And Strength told you how to cure me of my grief.
I watch on as Justice balances your perceptions,
And then I see Beauty fix and set your perfections,
The ones I admire every time you sing to me and play your harp,
Making it clear that Love was the one to give you a heart.
Faith whispers in your ear to always remain without doubt,
Hope hands you the stars to guide you when fear comes out.
And then you turn to me and take my hand to leave for home,
If that is not here, it’s location is surely unknown.

  • None
  • 5 July 2011 – Tuesday Morning | April's Fool: [...]  My lunch date cancelled, so that left me home alone chilling… which may not have been a good thing… I went back to the ‘Poetical Wor
  • Shannan: The love you have been so blessed to experience is tangible in your writing. I'm not sure if they are all on the same person, or through various years
